Oct 2, 2015

Club Elections, 2015

Club Elections, 2015

After an intense round of competition, the verdict is out. The student body has chosen their Student Council representatives and Club presidents for the academic year 2015-2016. They will form the core panel to chart the direction of the clubs as well as the council. Get to know them better in the following write-up and find out what’s in store for the coming months.

Karan Agrawal was recently elected as the president of Student Council 2015.  It was a close race between the two nominees, Niskarsh Ghimire and Karan Agrawal. The KCM student council aims to strengthen and promote the overall development of the students of Kathmandu College of Management by providing opportunities and encouraging the students to participate in co-curricular activities. “My team and I have set an objective to bring together all the students of KCM and lead them towards the development of the student body as a whole. We will strive to carry forward the legacy set forth by our predecessors to the best of our ability,” stated Karan Agrawal.

SimilarlyYamini Kedia,president of the Junior Achievers Forum (JA Forum) for 2015-2016, is committed to encourage students to apply their entrepreneurial abilities. The club incorporates academics into real life scenarios through events. Bychallenging students to think differently, it will boost their confidence and prepare students for leadership roles. 

Arts Club president Rojesh Karmacharya will be working closely with the Student Council to support visual arts, literature and the performing arts, such as music, drama, and dance in the college. The club provides the students with opportunities to showcase their talent and uplift their personal growth.

Maushika Kunwar was ecstatic on winning the presidency of the Publication Club. She defines Publication Club as a space for students to express their creative and artistic sides. Students can engage in different activities to become competent in writing and public speaking. 

Likewise, Rahul Shrestha and Chhaya Rana Magar were elected as presidents for the Sports Club. According to Chhaya and Rahul, “sports club is where we unite”. Sports club is a platform for sports enthusiasts to exhibit their talent. “We’re all united for a common purpose - the love for the game,” said Chhaya.

Sumedh Bajrachaya will be heading the oldest running club at KCM for this year. The IT club offers assistance in the installation of many useful computer programs and conducts training on various projects related to business information technology. It is a club dedicated to keep KCM undergraduates updated on the latest technological development in business. 

Furthermore Parthana Saakha was voted as the president of Career Club. She will play an active part in organizing career-focused events to motivate students to take charge of their own success.  The club empowers students through career awareness, career building advice and mentorship. 

Alisha Dwa was appointed as the president of Social Welfare Club and plans to take the club activities to greater heights. The club’s central belief is that happiness of others matter and works to improve the welfare of the under privileged. The events it organizes are in the spirit of generosity and social help.

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