Thomas Edison once said, “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration”. All the hard work has paid off for two KCM graduates who were conferred the distinguished Nepal Bidhybhusan ‘Ga’ and Nepal Chhatra Padak by President Yadav for topping the Kathmandu University, Bachelor of Business Administration in Nepal.
Here’s an excerpt of how they achieved the highest honors:
The learning process at KCM which focuses on understanding, real life applications and problem solving, has helped me ace my undergraduate years and also paved a way for my life ahead. Thus, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to the entire KCM family for the grooming.
My message to the aspiring students is to work hard every day, and not just during exams, and actually understand the modules and their practical applications rather than learning by rote. This way you’ll have an enriched knowledge and be able to pass with flying colors.
Alisha Manandhar - Nepal Chhatra Padak
Batch: 2010-2014
I’d like to thank the KCM family for their mentorship and guidance that has supported me to become eligible for such a prestigious educational accolade. Having said that, I am glad that every bit of my hard work and perseverance has been rewarded. I’d like to encourage all students who are aiming to be successful in life to dream big and work relentlessly to fulfill that dream.
Vineet Goyal - Nepal Bidhybhusan ‘Ga’
Batch: 2010-2014